Academic Awards Ceremony

On Tuesday September 24th we will be celebrating our students' achievements at two ceremonies held in our school auditorium.

At 8:30am this years' Grade 11 & 12's who achieved an average higher than 79.4 last school year will be recognized.

and at 10:05 am the Grade 9's & 10's will attend.



Student Information for the Fall 2024

A letter will be sent to students in August 2024 with information about school activities, photos, fees and timetables. 

The following is a list of suggested school supplies:

􀀹 3” Ringed Binder with a zipper close
􀀹 Dividers
􀀹 Pens / Pencils / Calculator
􀀹 Highlighter
􀀹 Loose Leaf Paper
􀀹 White out
􀀹 White eraser
􀀹 Agenda - Paper agenda

Subject teachers may ask for additional supplies if necessary.

The first day of school is September 3, 2024 at 8:30am for Grade 9s and 10:30am for Grades 10-12.  If you have any questions during the summer months you are welcome to email the school at

Celebrating Indigenous History Month

MAY 31, 2024—June is Indigenous History Month, a time to celebrate the history, heritage and diversity of Indigenous communities. It is a time to recognize and learn about the sacrifices, cultures, contributions and strength of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people and to continue the work of the Truth and Reconciliation’s Calls to Action.

National Indigenous Peoples Day is held annually on June 21st, the summer solstice. This is a special day for all Canadians to recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding contributions of Indigenous peoples.

Please click HERE for National Indigenous History Month resources.

Upcoming Events

If you are looking for what is going on around the school, PD days, holidays, sporting events and the like, please click on the google calendar on the right hand side (if on a PC) or below the articles if viewing on a mobile device.  Besides Twitter and Instagram, our google calendar will have the most up-to-date information.